
Psychosomatic approach to disorders of the autonomic nervous system in general medical practice. O.O. Haystova. Neuronus № 2 (1), 2016

There was a parallel decrease in both autonomic symptomatic and affective symptomatology (anxiety and psycho-emotional lability) in monotherapy with mianserin. Multimodal drug mianserin (Miaser) at a dose of 10 mg/day is appropriate for monotherapy for somatoform vegetative dysfunction due to its effectiveness, safety and ease of use. Therefore, by the overall therapeutic effect, Miaser may be recommended for the treatment of disorders of the autonomic nervous system in general medical practice.

The effectiveness of Artrida® for lower back pain. O.H. Morozova, A.A. Yaroshevskiy, Ya.V. Lypynskaya

Summary. The article is devoted to the treatment of patients with chronic recurrent pain in the lower back. The data of a study of the clinical efficacy and safety of the drug Artrida ® are presented, the use of which in complex therapy at the time of exacerbation and the presence of topical pain syndrome allowed to reduce the time and dose of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and also helped to improve the biomechanical parameters and functional ability of patients.

Arilentals - third generation antipsychotic. V.A. Manhubi. Neuronus. 2017.

Arilentals can safely be called a "third-generation" drug of atypical antipsychotics. The presence of a favourable endocrine safety profile and the absence of sedation when using aripiprazole favourably differentiates it from many members of the class of atypical antipsychotics.

The use of atypical neuroleptics in the practice of a family doctor. O.O. Haystova. Neuronus №8 (82), 2016

The use of quetiapine is appropriate for insomnia monotherapy in patients with anxiety and depressive disorders, chronic somatic diseases, including the elderly, at an initial dose of 25 mg. The presence of Quetixol (25 mg), a clinically bioequivalent original drug, makes it convenient and affordable to treat patients in this category.

Comparative analysis of atypical neuroleptics. O.S.Chaban. Neuronus № 10 (74), 2015

A considerable number of generic antipsychotic drugs are presented in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. However, the practitioner should pay attention to confirming their bioequivalence in volunteer-led research (clinical bioequivalence). Examples of products with proven bioequivalence in the Ukrainian market are Farmlyga products: Arilentals (aripiprazole), Risperon (risperidone), Quetixol (quetiapine) and Soleks (amisulpride).

Duloxetine in the treatment of chronic myofascial pain syndromes. O.H. Morozova, A.A. Yaroshevskiy. Neuronus. 2017

The efficacy of the Simoda drug in the treatment of chronic myofascial pain syndromes was revealed in our study. The administration of the drug at a dose of 30 mg made it possible to achieve faster control over pain and depressive manifestations, reduce the duration of NSAIDs, and in some cases to refuse them. The analgesic effect of the Simoda drug developed earlier (on the 7th day) than the antidepressant (on the 15th day). The analgesic effect of the Simoda drug developed earlier (on the 7th day) than the antidepressant (on the 15th day).

Psychosomatic disorders in patients with allergodermatoses and their correction. E.F. Kutasevich. Dermatology and Venereology. No. 1 (83) 2019.

Stress and nervous-conflict situations in 35.44% of patients with allergodermatosis caused clinical manifestations of the disease. The use in the complex treatment of patients with allergic dermatitis antidepressant drug Miaser containing myanserine hydrochloride, reduces the itching intensity and its earlier relief and earlier onset of regression of psychosomatic disorders. Thus, Miasser (myanserine hydrochloride) has an effect not only on depressive anxiety disorders, mood and sleep disorders, but also on the presence and intensity of itching. Miasser containing myanserine hydrochloride at a dose of 10 mg per day per night should be used in the treatment of patients with allergodermatosis.

Current approaches in the treatment of pregnancy miscarriage

Posted by: В.В. Kaminskyi, V.V. Konoplianko, M.N. Shalko, N.Ya. Ratushniak Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology of the NMAPE named after P.L. Shupyk Kyiv City Center for Reproductive and Perinatal Medicine. Publication Place: Reproductive Health. Eastern Europe. 2018, Volume 8, №1. Summary: The article presents the results of the study of the effectiveness of the drug Proginorm OVO and Proginorm GESTA in the schemes of complex therapy of the threat of termination of pregnancy and the threat of premature birth. 290 pregnancies with the risk of interruption or the risk of preterm birth were analyzed at different times. Women groups were representative of age, parity, place of residence, social status, and somatic health status. the efficacy in the treatment regimen of the oral form of natural micronized progesterone Proginorm OVO 100 mg, 200mg and vaginal form Progestin GESTA 100 mg, 200mg with individual selection of therapeutic dose from 200mg to...

Micronized progesterone in the prevention and treatment of pregnancy miscarriage.

Posted by: I.I. Vorobіova, S.M. Tolkach, V.B. Tkachenko,A.A. Zhyvetska-Denysova, N.V. Rudakova. Institute of Pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology named after Academician О. M. Lukyinic NAMS of Ukraine Place of publication: Reproductive Health. Eastern Europe. 2019, Volume 9, № 3.     Summary: Pregnancy miscarriage is one of the major medical and social problems in obstetric practice, perinatal medicine and public health in general. The great importance and widespread use of progesterone during pregnancy have led scientists to invent a new, highly effective, bioavailable and easy to use a form of this hormone - micronisation. The results of the work proved that the clinical use, according to the indications, of these forms of progestins during pre-gravidar drug and the direct course of pregnancy is an effective means of prevention and treatment of certain forms of miscarriage. As micronized progesterone, the drugs Proginorm GESTA and Proginorm OVO, adapted for, respectively, vaginal and oral...

ІНФОРМАЦІЙНИЙ ЛИСТ про нововведення в системі охорони здоров’я № 293 - 2018 Нові терапевтичні підходи у лікуванні невиношування вагітності

Випуск з проблеми «Акушерство та гінекологія» Підстава: Рішення ВР НМАПО ім.. П.Л. Шупика МОЗ України Протокол № 3 від 20.09.2018 р. ГОЛОВНОМУ АКУШЕРУ-ГІНЕКОЛОГУ ДЕПАРТАМЕНТУ ОХОРОНИ ЗДОРОВ’Я ОБЛАСНИХ ТА КИЇВСЬКОЇ МІСЬКОЇ ДЕРЖАВНИХ АДМІНІСТРАЦІЙ. УСТАНОВИ-РОЗРОБНИКИ: НАЦІОНАЛЬНА МЕДИЧНА АКАДЕМІЯ ПІСЛЯДИПЛОМНОЇ ОСВІТИ ім. П.Л. Шупика УКРМЕДПАТЕНТІНФОРМ МОЗ УКРАЇНИ. АВТОРИ: Член-кореспондент НАМН України, д. мед. н., професор КАМІНСЬКИЙ В.В., к. мед. н., доцент КОНОПЛЯНКО В.В., к. мед. н., ШАЛЬКО М.Н., РАТУШНЯК Н.Я. Прогинорм ГЕСТА та Прогинорм ОВО запропоновано до впровадження в лікувально-профілактичних установах практичної охорони здоров’я (обласних, міських, районних) акушерсько-гінекологічного профілю. Прогинорм ГЕСТА та Прогинорм ОВО мають доведену ефективність, забезпечують стійкий, високий терапевтичний ефект, добре переносяться, сприяють більш короткому періоду перебування в стаціонарі вагітної жінки. Надійний ефект при використанні як оральної, так і вагінальної форми мікронізованого прогестерону. Отримані результати лікування відповідають середньостатистичним показникам у країнах ЄС. Прогинорм ГЕСТА та Прогинорм ОВО можуть бути рекомендовані для використання в широкій акушерській практиці, особливо з огляду на їх...


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