II Scientific Congress with international participation «Psychosomatic medicine of the XXI century: realities and prospects»

II Scientific Congress with international participation «Psychosomatic medicine of the XXI century: realities and prospects»

II Scientific Congress with international participation «Psychosomatic medicine of the XXI century: realities and prospects»

On November 5-7, 2020, Farmlyga - the Lithuanian pharmaceutical company, participated at a scientific congress with international involvement «Psychosomatic Medicine of the XXI Century: Realities and perspectives».

Speakers from USA, Great Britain, Israel, Belarus and Ukraine were a part in the congress on the basis of the National Medical University this year.

About 1,500 psychiatrists, psychotherapists, general practitioners and neurologists took part in this wide scale professional event. The program of the online event included a review of the achievements and prospects of psychosomatic medicine of the XXI entury, assessment of psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology in modern medicine and analysis of the basics of psychosomatic approach in real clinical practice. The interest of a wide audience was caused by the report of MD, Professor Haustova Olena «Nosological
affiliation of end-to-end manifestations of psychosomatic pathology, or what is autonomic dysfunction».

The speaker highlighted effective approaches to the treatment of depressive disorders. Farmlyga, the Lithuanian pharmaceutical company, plans to continue participating in professional events in this area.